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Increase Your Social Media Footprint 1000x (or more) With Just One Email

So you have the details on your next webinar or a great new piece of content you just posted on your website or your blog, and you want to maximize the reach of your announcement to the world that the content exists.

You already know how many followers and likes you have across every social medium, so how do you increase the voice well beyond that with a single email?

The answer lies in sending an email within your company that empowers every employee to share out the news on their Social Media outlets. This isn't a new idea and sounds great, but we all know in practice it is difficult, at best, to get employees to share anything.

It has to be completely turnkey to be successful. That means, you're not going to send your employees a link to the post or page and ask "Would you share this out, please?"

You probably already know, they're not going to do it. It's too much work.

So, you want that multiplication effect of having everyone post to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, but they're not going to stop what they're doing.

Is it even possible? It is.

The answer lies in using a service like hrefshare. With it, you can create the share links for each of the prominent B2B social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) before you send the email to your coworkers.

This way, what the employees see is a list of simple links that, when clicked, prepopulates the appropriate social media sharing and with the simple press of a button on the resulting webpage, posts the content, reaching all of the connections of your staff.

Try it out yourself. Here are some links I made to demonstrate how easy it is:

So the next time (and every time after that) you post something share-worthy, share it with your employees first.


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