Eliminate AD Migration & Disaster Recovery Headaches the Virtual Way
By your even looking at this blog post, it’s a safe assumption that you’re planning on going (or are already going) through a migration...
Migrating Off Of Domino: There's Another Option
You can’t let go of Domino, can you? Your company likely chose Domino because of its largest differentiator (and core competency): its...
Moving Messaging and Collaboration to Office 365
If you're choosing to read this whitepaper, it’s probably safe to say you’re considering moving your current Exchange and/or SharePoint...
Windows Server 2003 End of Life - Don't Migrate! Eliminate Your Print Servers
Windows Server 2003 is approaching end-of-life. It is an ideal time to eliminate your print servers. Historically speaking, when it comes...
Moving Messaging and Collaboration to Office 365: It's Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
As Microsoft continues to add new features and functionality to their Office 365 platform, more and more organizations are evaluating...